+ Marriage. holy cow. I got married when I was 22 years old. I'm still a baby! Sometimes it seems so crazy to me that God is trusting me to form a good life with someone else permanently. This person is mine to love, comfort, care for, share with and serve. The first six months of our marriage have been a blast. There have been challenging times for sure, but I would not want to share this experience with anyone else.
this is literally what i wore to get married. i'm so glamorous
+ Business. another holy cow. At 22 I got to do something I never thought I would: quit my (not great but relatively safe) job and go to work with my husband, owning and running our own business. Fixing cars! I know nothing about cars and next to nothing about running an office, but here I am, in charge of bills, paperwork, customer service and a plethora of random tasks to make Robert's life easier. It is definitely not an easy job, but it is stretching me and growing me in so many ways.
+ I think those two things are enough to call it a very busy and very amazing year, but add to that a brand new kitty, several friends and family staying with us for several weeks, lots and lots of church stuff, and of course the never-ending process of God moving and changing our hearts. I am in love with Charlotte. I love living here and being a part of this city. I get the feeling that one day God will call us out of our box to live somewhere else, somewhere new to us and exciting, but for now, I'm so thankful that He has us here.
My birthday was great, but my 22nd year of life was just ridiculous. God has done some phenomenal things with me. Year 22 was a big year in obvious ways: marriage, business, family. I think year 23 will be a huge one spiritually. As we get more settled into this new life, I believe my heart is going to continue getting a bit unsettled. I can already feel a change in the way I want to serve and love others, spend my money and use my time. I'm so looking forward to whatever is ahead in the next year.
Happy birthday! I hope the next years are as amazing as this one has been!