Monday, September 5, 2011

Dream Weekend

There has been so much happening lately!

I've been on a hiatus because things have been so (wonderfully) crazy, and I'm hoping to pick it up again soon.

+ I've been taking afternoons off work (the joys of having my husband as my boss) and going home to spend time reading, writing, singing, and having quality time with the Lord. It has been absolutely amazing so far, and I'm so thankful for this season God has me in. My husband is so supportive of my dreams and what I want, and he pushes me in a way that I really need. I'm so thankful for that.

+ I went to Denver for the wedding of the year!! Max & Lauren got married, as I'm sure you've heard. I had one of the best weekends of my life spending time with them and Max's family, sharing stories, laughter, love and generosity. I was overwhelmed all weekend long by the love and hope in Denver. We met some amazing families (I got to meet the Coolest of All Cool Moms), and there was love around every corner. I'm serious, it was so sappy and beautiful. I can't express enough how grateful I am to have been a part of such a beautiful wedding.

{Well I had a bunch of pictures but twitpic is being lame and I can't figure out a way to upload them that works. If anyone has help for this, then you can see the pictures haha}

I'm telling you, the whole thing was insanely beautiful. Denver is one of the most beautiful places I've ever been to, and I hope to go back with Robert someday. For now, I'm waiting for Katie to put up all of the amazing photos she took over the weekend.

Thanks for letting me gush!


  1. I followed their story for a while now. I think they are going to be such a powerful influence on this world!

  2. I LOVE weddings! And taking the afternoon off sounds absolutely wonderful.
